Jul 25, 2009

Goal 1 Completed and New Goal Pending

At some point between this post and my last post, I put up a goal on trueachievements.com to reach a six digit gamerscore by my next birthday which will be on October 3rd. My current gamerscore is set to 80,094 which yes... my first goal is completed which was to pass the 80,000 mark. I am very excited to set myself up for this challenge as I know I will fullfill it with little hardship. GSL @ Console Heroes has really helped me gain gamerscore very much and will leave a lot of games that are going to need to be completed.

Speaking of GSL, I am proud to announce that our team is within playoff range and will hopefully go against some of the fiercest teams I have ever seen. Still, I know that everyone in the team is going to give it their best shot to make it to the playoffs, if not then it will be a shame but still an honor to play with these people. Next post will probably be at the end of GSL along with future planning in gaming.

oh and achievement list updated.